Providence Town Records

From Twisted Roots

"Town Council Records", Vol X

Page 13: regarding Susannah Sheldon

Whereas there is a person of Evill fame, (one Susannah Sheldon by name) who some tim since did Come into our towne & was by the Magestrats sited before the Councill, but Came not, but went away out of ye towne (but as the Councill is infomred is now Returned into the towne) the Councill doe therefore order that the sayd Susannah Sheldon be warned

Page 14: continued

in by a summons under the Councills hands to appeare before the Councill upon Munday the 21 instant to give an account for her Returne & other Matters wth the Councill shall see Cause to Examine her about. /

A Summons is drawne up & signed by ye Councill to witt) Pardon Tillinghast, Wim Hopkins, Nath: Waterman Ben: Carpenter; Joseph Williams, Tho: Olney: to warn in ye sd Susanna Sheldon, & directed to the Constable Nath : Mawrey. the Meeting is adjourned unto | Munday | ye 21 Instant about 9 of ye clock: /

[Note: the next entry for the Monday meeting on December 21st, mentioned in the above, has only one entry in regard to William Garret moving into Providence from Newport. There had been complaints about Mr. Garret and his family and the council ordered that they leave, but due to the harsh winter allowed him to stay and make arrangements by March. There was no further mention in this or following Town Council entries, suggesting that Susannah Sheldon had left town again on her own accord.]