To Click On Or To Not Click: Pillow And Blogging

From Twisted Roots

But one Church can and does instill the uncertainty you call for. Ironically, it's the Orthodox Church -- arguably the most doctrinally 'certain' church going, that also enshrines apophatic theology and the very real role of Mystery. But as you imply maybe they serve a necessary role in God's plan for salvation after all. It must be very difficult to remain one of the unassured few in the Church where assurance is often equated with salvation and doubt with perdition. Inside the church most are natural believers and the strength of their convictions are one of its strongest attractions. But it is also good to have some natural doubters in our midst. Spinach is certainly good for you, in fact your body enjoys spinach much more than the ice cream, but the reality is that everyone wants the ice cream. Like you said, certainty is like ice cream; which means that a mix of certainty with uncertainty is like ice cream with, um, spinach on top.

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However, I argue that being able to make generalised deferred payments is actually the core function of money. I think the distinction that you make at the end of the post -- between people who are sure and those who aren't mixed -- is suspect. I've read accounts of people feeling that they were slipping into a bottomless abyss into which they would be forever lost, during the initial stage of their "born again" or conversion experience. Rather than divide people into those who change their minds and those who don't, perhaps it would be more charitable and germane to Burton's ideas to divide them into those who readily experience the feeling of knowing and adher to its pleasantness and those who rarely experience the feeling of knowing at all. I can think of people (it's easy in the CoC) who were exactly the absolutely-sure type you describe, who, in a kind of familial way, accepted others graciously who were different without ever "backing down" from their certainty. Eczema might be a type of allergy, but doctors aren't exactly sure. For ours, it seems to manifest itself as irrefutable logic (however flawed it may actually be) which, when combined with a proof-text or two, uniform sale yields Absolute Truth.

People who are always certain may simply be self-worshipers or narcissists, and those who are never certain may be spineless wimps who will never commit to any truth. It may even be said that the farther one advances in the Orthodox 'way', the less certain one becomes. DVDs can be hacked easily, copied and shared, and even the classic hand-filmed theater bootleg is much easier to sell or share now that digital networks are the norm. Many people thought it was too much. Church is a place that gathers/attracts/keeps people who need certainty and repels those who don't. And it is the one place where a person has some actual input into the matter. There's a head on one end and a tube extending from it; the tube is what rolls down. Like a staunch Republican whose best friend is a Democrat, and who can argue (happily and kindly) for hours on end -- though never truly contemplating his/her view being wrong. In doing that, I think he yanks us out of being ultimately rooted in the Hellenistic soil where fact and certainty are the matters of ultimate concern so that we can put roots down back in the Hebraic land where it's relationship above all.